5:30 PM17:30

Workshop 4: Map Your Mission

The fourth session will allow you to present your maps and receive feedback from the cohort. Then, you'll explore a project or activity to help you live into your values and goals. It is here that you can choose to enter the Beyond RESET program. Participants who elect to join Beyond RESET will meet monthly to check in and discuss progress and roadblocks over the next eight weeks. 

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5:30 PM17:30

Workshop 3: Map Your Mission

Workshop Three guides you through building your personal mission map. The purpose, rules of engagement and desired outcomes are critical for military mission success. When crafting your life mission, these tools are even more important. Integrating insights from Workshop One and Two, you create your mission map. With this tool, you declare how you want to live and define how you will expand beyond where you are today.

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5:30 PM17:30

Workshop 2: Fuel Your Passion

In Workshop Two, we explore the values that frame your life. By reflecting on when you’ve felt the most alive and when you’ve experienced the most angst, we begin to uncover the hidden drivers of your happiness. We address how to define and live into your values then invite you to experiment with your values in the real world. 

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5:30 PM17:30

Workshop 1: Expand Your Power

Prior to the first workshop, you’ll take a strengths and values assessment that uncovers what sparks motivation and meaning in your life. In Workshop One, we explore how the stories you tell and the ways you experience the world impact the level of passion and meaning in your life. This session helps you understand your unique and inherent value.

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