UNITY is going viral!
Please help us keep the momentum by sharing the video below. Want to build UNITY in your community? Sign up to receive a a how-to kit to help people build #UNITY in their own communities. Let's change the world, folks! #WeLiveBig
UNITY is an interactive public art project that was unveiled in the Del Ray neighborhood of Alexandria, VA. The project is a response to the divisiveness and negative rhetoric in American politics. With this project, we hope to raise consciousness about the labels we give ourselves and others and explore how those labels both support and limit building interconnected, diverse communities.
UNITY is a larger-than-life structure that helps us celebrate our uniqueness and strengthens our ties to each other. The project consists of 32 posts, each with identifiers such as, “I’m a survivor; I speak English as a second language; I identify as LGBTQ,” etc. Participants will tie colorful yarn to posts that reflect their identities. Their yarn will intertwine with others’ to create a web of interconnection. In the end, we see that we are all connected by something, and it's our diversity that builds a strong and vibrant community.
The project will provide a framework for people to come to their own realizations about how important diversity is to building a strong community. It will also help them to reflect on the labels they have assigned to themselves and others. The end goal would encourage the removal of labels and relating to each other on a more human level. Read more about the project here.»
Video by Kevin Castillo – www.kevincharlescastillo.com